Baptist Voice May 2020

Baptist Voice including all the usual elements. There’s Good News and there’s bad news.
The bad news is that because so many of our vital services are not operating at full throttle news from the denomination is somewhat truncated.
The good news is that so many of the gospel recording artists have released the copyright on their music for the duration we are able to bring to you some fantastic music, singers and song writers including a new song written by Dave Bilbrough in support of the fantastic people Nurses, Doctors, Care workers and public servants who are keeping things moving during the pandemic.
God bless them and you as you enjoy this edition of Baptist Voice.

Baptist Voice March 2020

All the top news stories from Baptists in the UK.
We’ve news of Baptist Churches flooded – 7 feet of water in the road outside one Yorkshire church.
New courses and new partnerships for 2 of our colleges.
We mark International Women’s day by celebrating two BMS pioneers.
Rev Allan Finegan invites you to his comedy night and we note that one college principal takes photos of restroom signs and we don’t know why.

Baptist Voice November 2019

The Talking Newspaper for UK Baptists with sight loss

A report says that 18 to 30 year olds who attend church are more optimistic about the future than those who don’t.
Celebrating 100 years women’s ministry in the Baptist Church – The Centenary Enabler has been named.
The European Baptist Federation have expressed concern about the decline in religious freedom – for the 5th time in 12 years.
There are suggestions for ethical items to put on your Christmas list and for the first time we review a photographic completion !

Baptist Voice October 2019

The talking Newspaper for UK Baptists with sight loss
Christian Aid tell us that the floods in Bangladesh are worse than ever and the plight of the people in Idlib is dire.
The Baptist Union announce the appointment of a ministerial development adviser.
We celebrate the initiative of Bible Society and the production of Dyselexia friendly bibles.
All the usual features are present including a word from Stephen our chaplain