Baptist Voice February 2019

The latest talking newspaper for Baptists with sight loss is now up on line. As well as the usual features we’ve news of a timely intervention that has more than halved the defecit in the Baptist Pension Scheme. Baptists have joined other faith leaders in urging the government to move away from the hostile environment that greets those seeking sanctuary in the UK. …and we have news of a new series of Firestarter events encouraging growth in our churches.


Baptist Voice Deecmber 2018 – Christmas Edition

The latest edition of Baptist Voice, the talking newspaper is now up on line. It’s our Christmas Special.
All the usual features are there to keep you up to date with happenings in the Baptist family plus this time a couple of special guests sharing their thoughts on Christmas and to round things off our own mini carol service.
You can find us on or download our podcast to keep from iTunes.

Baptist Voice November 2018

This is the November edition of Baptist Voice the talking newspaper for UK Baptists with sight loss.
In this edition Baptist Leaders call for the Government’s Universal Credit system to be put on hold until all the problems have been ironed out.
We hear about a scheme to teach the gospel by playing football and how one church’s football ended up on a German Island in the North Sea.
Brave mission workers from BMS World Mission experience (of all things) floods and torrential rain whilst crossing the Sahara Desert and another missioner has made the red light district of Bankok her mission field.

Baptist Voice September 2018

This month we mark the fact that 2018 sees the anniversary of the calling of the denomination’s first woman minister; we hear Christian Aid’s reaction to the United Nation’s report that the army in Myanmar committed many atrocities in their moves against the Rohynga people; Beth, a missioner with BMS World Mission speaks about her work in a cancer hosptial in Tunisia and we mark the passing of gospel singer Aretha Franklin and hear about her deep roots in the Baptist Church.

Baptist Voice August 2018

This month we report on what happens when you find folks who attended your church’s summer fayre have become the centre of world attention and you have to pick up the pieces.
There’s a movement to help children who normally get free school meals – and we report on what could be the fate of 43 Baptist Churches in the Ukraine.Plus all the usual features, of course.

Baptist Voice July 2018

There’s a lot to concern thoughtful Baptists this month. BMS partner and lawyer has been refused a visa to visit her colleagues at Head Office in Didcot and her British Father-in-Law. Baptists play a major role in the Joint Public Issues Team and they say the Government’s flagship policy of Universal credit is failing and it’s the poorest recipients who are suffering most.
There’s much else to grab your attention this month as well as all our usual features, music, college news and news from Tear Fund as well as Christian Aid and an invitation to join the association of Christian Writers.
And … have your ever worried about what has happened to the old Baptist Church House in Southampton Row in London … we can report that it’s now a posh boutique hotel, retaining many original features and open for business.

Baptist Voice June 18 Edition

Baptist Voice is the talking newspaper for Baptists with sight loss.
All the usual features, of course, in this midsummer edition, plus news that a UK survey has revealed that one third of the country’s population don’t know what role the church plays in society, but the Joint Public Issues team have been in part responsible for the demise of the fixed odds betting machines that have proved so addictive to problem gamblers.
If you know of someone who is registered blind and would like this edition on CD, Cassette or memory stick – email